NGC Registry Featured Set: Multi-Country Summer Olympics Set
发布 于 2021/2/9
The 2021 Summer Olympics are fast approaching and what better way to begin the celebration with an amazing Summer Olympic Games, Host Country Coinage, Complete set by collectioncoin?

This NGC Registry set type is as challenging as an Olympic event itself, requiring an astonishing 663 coins with more to come! Collectioncoin started his set, Enric’s OLIMPIADAS DE VERANO COMPLETO, with just a handful of coins from cities such as Moscow, Atlanta and Barcelona back in 2011. He has been slowly building this set to reach a current completion of 64% and has earned over 157,000 NGC Registry points — no easy feat. Covering 68 years thus far, this set offers a slice of numismatic history from a wealth of countries. The diversity of collectioncoin’s set is unique, with high-grade examples from Mexico, Munich and Montreal to Rio and soon Tokyo.
The first modern Olympic coins were struck by the Finnish Mint, and collectioncoin has an example of the 1952 Silver 500 Markkaa for our viewing pleasure, along with so many other unique coins. Boasting over 400 images, the gallery presents a slice of numismatic history from so many countries. Be sure to check it out. Thank you, collectioncoin for sharing your amazing NGC-certified Olympic coin collection. We look forward to your future updates in this set and in your many others!
The NGC Registry is a free online platform where collectors register and display their certified coins and can compete against other collectors around the world for recognition and prizes. This popular resource now boasts over 21,000 users, 190,000+ registered sets and 1.3 million registered coins. In January of 2021, the NGC Registry awarded more than $25,000 in prizes — a 25% increase over last year! To learn more about the 2020 Registry winners, click here.
Would you like your set to be chosen for a future feature article? 100% completion in a set type is not always feasible. Our team will also feature sets with thoughtful comments and images for all their coins. Perhaps we will choose someone whose set has a personal story behind it or some interesting historical facts. We are looking for those sets where someone has taken the time to make the set unique and a reflection of his/her personal collecting style. It may be your set! Stay tuned.
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